In the Investigation phase, it took me awhile to decide on what kind of design project to construct, as I had difficulty identifying an environmental issue that I wanted to address. The week two course material was useful in this respect. From these resources I also learnt that to implement the Investigation phase in my class, visual literacies like concept maps are very effective as they encourage students to research, gather and analyse information. To reinforce this, in my design challenge, students will be placed into pairs to investigate alternative power sources that are more eco-friendly. This is supported by the Australian Curriculum (2015) which states that students should “independently and collaboratively develop solutions to complex challenges". As the effectiveness of this pedagogical approach depends on the age of learners, I chose a design task based on solar cooking methods, as it would extend the learning of my grade five students in environmentally friendly energy sources and sustainable practice.
The Ideation phase presented many difficult challenges to the overall design of my product. Firstly, as seen my Wikipage, I had to plan out several alterations of my solar oven design; all of which needed to be based on the design specification and needs analysis research I conducted during the Investigation phase. This was challenging, as there were many constraints raised in these documents that needed to be cross-analysed in order to determine a final design. As seen on my Wiki page, size, cost, ease of construction, ease of access, and durability of designs were all variables involved in this decision-making process. To encourage decision-making and higher order thinking with my grade five class, the course material for this week emphasizes the importance of integrating digital technologies in pedagogical practice. As I explain in my week three blog, social networking tools are an effective way to encourage collaboration and critical thinking in student feedback processes. On this note, peer assessment also had many learning benefits to my own design planning, as it gave a fresh perspective on the design challenge and my approach to promoting sustainable practice. This can be seen in my Wiki page.

Reflecting on the evidence provided in my Wiki page and my
Blog, it is apparent that I have engaged with course materials in an attempt to
develop my professional learning in Design and Digital Technologies. This demonstrates
an understanding of curriculum requirements and the role I have as an educator
in proposing creative solutions that enhance sustainability. With this
knowledge, I have developed appropriate practical and pedagogical approaches to
teaching that will be beneficial in future design projects that I run in my
Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA]. (2015). Technologies.
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