Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Week Eight Post

Digital Pedagogy
This week explores the nature of digital pedagogy through the completion of several digital learning challenges. In entire form, this topic is harder to cover than those mentioned in previous weeks as it tends to relate more to the tools used in a classroom rather than the pedagogy implemented. As seen in the course material, digital pedagogy is largely about using high order thinking to solve problems. In saying this, skills like project planning, communicating instructions, evaluating alternative designs, collaborating and managing, and making decisions are fundamental when finding digital solutions.

Continuing on from last weeks focus on Algorithm, the course material for week eight explores this concept through simple algorithmic programming. As explained in the moodle video provided, this refers to the series of ordered steps taken to solve a problem. "Algorithm is one of the trickier terms in the Scope and sequence content descriptors of the Digital technologies curriculum" . This concept is explored in the following digital challenges.

Programming a Robot (3-4)
For this digital learning challenge presented, I was required to participate in an Angry Birds game where coding and sequencing is used to direct the bird to the pig.

As the computational skills introduced in the activity are quite simple, I was able to further develop the knowledge I had of digital processing; implementing it in a fun interactive way. Evidently this requires high order thinking to manipulate the data to achieve the desired result. For this reason, I would use this resource to encourage the use of algorithmic programming in my classroom. This is supported by the Australian curriculum in the Year 3-4 Digital Technologies content descriptor Processes and Production Skills.... 

Creating a game 
To complete this digital learning challenge, I was require to create my own online game in the Scratch program. Users program in Scratch by dragging blocks from the block palette and attaching them to other blocks like a jigsaw puzzle. When blocks are structured in interrelating combinations this is called creating a script. This programming method where codes are sequenced together like puzzle pieces is called 'drag-and-drop programming'. My experimentation with this is seen below.  

The aim of the game is simple. You are required to use the paddle controlled by your cursor to keep the ball from hitting the ground. Every time you hit the ball you receive one point, whereas every time the ball hits the ground you loose 5 points. Click the green flag to begin. Good luck!

This digital tool is similar to the program introduced in the previous challenge, as learners are encouraged to find digital solutions by creating algorithms and manipulating the data presented. As mentioned in the moodle video, 'Teaching kids to think using Scratch', the scratch program  demonstrate how software and computer programming works, provides high level challenges for learners of varying ability, encourages students to develop computational processes and vocabulary, supports experimentation, and builds on prior knowledge to solve problems. For these reasons it should be a tool integrated into my personal digital pedagogy. To complete this task, students will need to use their process and production skills to: check existing solutions and identify transferable solutions, use and interpret data, describe their problem, and evaluate each other's solutions. In this way, students are developing computational thinking as well as their process and production skills. This relates to the Aims overview provided in the Digital Technologies area of the Australian Curriculum.


Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA]. (2015). Technologies.
CODE. (2015). Learn an hour of code. Retrieved from

Interactive, V. (2012). Digital Technologies- Algorithms in Plain Enlish. Retrieved from Digital Learning and Teaching :

Week Seven Post

Data Representation

Drawing and Colouring
The week seven course material continues from last week's learning focus on data representation. The first digital learning challenge given introduces the concept of code manipulation. The game Code Monster, is relevant in this sense, as it allows students to manipulate data and fabricate their own designs. The course resource, Edutapia, is also beneficial for this reason, giving a list of tools and activities that could be incorporated into pedagogy to teach students how to code. Computer programs like Minecraft and Lightbot are examples from the site, that encourage conceptual knowledge through the planning, testing, and procedural skills required of students to complete the game.  

Engagement Activity 
As the concept of coding is fairly new to me, I found the Code Monster resource beneficial for my professional development, explicitly teaching me the fundamental components of block coding and data representation. For these reasons it would be a great learning tool to use in a modern day classroom. In my own classroom I would encourage students to expand their coding skills by posing a challenge where they must manipulate the data to design a house. To complete this challenge students will need to become competent uses of coding systems.  

Computational Thinking
The second digital design challenge presented in this week's course material focuses on computational thinking. Computational thinking (2012), a video provided on the topic, states that this style of thinking is "the foundation for making decisions or innovating solutions that can improve our quality of life". Problem solving, communication, collaboration, creativity, computing and critical thinking, are all skills embodied in computational thinking. As explained in the video this style of thinking is brought about by combining critical thinking skills with the power of computing. According to Barr, V. & Stephenson, C. (2011), computing does not refer to programming nor computer literacy, but rather “the study of computers and algorithmic processes including their principles, hardware and software design, applications, and impact on society”. As society is moving rapidly into a technological age, for students grasp this knowledge in school opens up a range of career pathways and opportunities in the future.

Curriculum Links 
in the Australian Curriculum, various content descriptors found in the Digital Technologies learning area address computational thinking. The table provided in the course material (see below), makes various links to the curriculum listing various capabilities and concepts that computational thinking addresses across the learning strands.

These capabilities are also elaborated on in the Computational Thinking in K–12 Education resources, providing teachers with a detailed overview to the implementation of computational thinking in the curriculum and in pedagogical practices. In this document, materials have been  listed to help educators understand, value, and implement computational thinking in K–12 education. As mentioned previously, "today’s students need these skills to meet workforce demands of the future and to help solve some of the most pressing, intractable problems of our time".

Algorithms and Abstractions  
The second digital design challenge raised in the course material focused on algorithms and abstractions. These two terms refer to the instructions set of a task and the process of taking the details out of a problem to make a solution work for many different things. These are a primary learning focus in the 'Thinking Myself' resource provided in the course material this week. This was beneficial for my professional learning as the site provided definitions and activities that developed skills in this area (as seen right). For this reason, I would promote the use of this game in my own teaching to encourage students to also reach desired learning outcomes. As stated in the Year 4 Processes and Production Skills descriptor, students need to "Implement simple digital solutions as visual programs with algorithms involving branching (decisions) and user input (ACTDIP011)".

Word Activity - Abstraction
I thought the learning process behind completing this Abstraction was beneficial for my professional development. Although I created bogus results for this survey, the method used in displaying the data provides a good visual literacy for learners to represent and acquire information. For these reasons I believe it should be a tool implemented in teaching pedagogy. For instance, I would encourage students to develop these skills by creating a task where they are require to represent data concerning a need in the school or broader community. They would collaborate to brainstorm ideas to complete the survey and scaffold questions to ensure informative results are attained.


Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA]. (2015). Technologies.
Barr, V., & Stephenson, C. (2011, March). Bringing Computatinal Thinking to K-12: What is Involved and What is the Role of the Computer Science Education Community? Retrieved from

CSTA. (2011). Computational Thinking: Teaching Resources. Retrieved from Computer Science Teachers Association.

Davis, V. (2015). 15+ Ways of Teaching Every Student to Code. Retrieved from Edutopia:

Week Six Post

Digital Technology
In the course reading material, the resources provided are based on the development of Digital Technologies in the 21st century and its effect on education. After spending the last five weeks researching the different aspects of design learning, it is interesting making correlations between the two curricula, in the Technologies unit. According to the Australian Curriculum, Digital Technologies (2015) refers to the students ability to "use computational thinking and information systems to define, design and implement digital solutions". In this day and age, it is vital that students  develop the skills necessary to be producers with technology  not just users of technology. For this reason, an understanding of how computers, networks and systems function is integral to the core operations in various enterprises. As seen in the week six video, Globe Trendy, Zora , a seven year old, is given the opportunity to develop her own computer game. This creating process is used by the teacher to encourage Zora to reach learning outcomes in digital technology. The designs focus on her learning needs and strengths. This made me realise the nature of my responsibilities as a teacher to support my students learning needs and implement digital practices as a vehicle to effective learning.

Curriculum Links
This week the topic of digital technologies draws from three areas of the Technologies curriculum: Data Representation; Computational Thinking and Algorithms, Digital and Information Systems, and algorithms and programming. This focus has been pursued to develop my professional understanding of the "systematic approach to experimentation, problem-solving, prototyping and evaluation instills in students the value of planning and reviewing processes to realise ideas" (ACARA, 2015).

Binary Code
When focusing on 'Data Patterns, play and representation', digital learning challenges have been set to develop our knowledge of binary codes. In the video resource provided, Pre-Algebre 3, an informative description to processing digital code is given, listing the various types of code evident in computer systems today. These are referred to as modern number systems as they are designed using positional notation along the base of a value to determine the reading of the number provided. There are four main systems used today. These include: the decimal system, which has a tens value number base, the Octal number system, with an eights value number base, the Hexadecimal system, with a base 16, and one of the more common, the binary system, with a twos value number base. The information provided in this video is then reinforced in the Traveling Circuits resource on Binary Baubles. This document went into further detail of the binary process, showing "how a computer codes data that will be stored for use later" (Thinkersmith, 2013).  

Designing a Binary game
The video provided in this weeks course material, Computer Science Unplugged (2005), supports teachers in implementing the concept of coding into pedagogy through the use of binary games. As stated in the supporting document, "The activities introduce students to Computational Thinking through concepts such as binary numbers, algorithms and data compression, separated from the distractions and technical details of having to use computers. Importantly, no programming is required to engage with these ideas". Interacting with the Cisco Binary game helped me consolidate my knowledge of this process of binary conversion. Learning through this method gave me interesting ideas of how I would integrate coding into my own pedagogy.

For the next Digital Learning challenge, another concept is raised in the material, Infographics. This term refers to the process of combining data and visual literacy to promote conceptual understanding. According to Resourcelink (2011), infographics be integrated into pedagogy as "a source of information, a tool to teach visual and critical literacy, and as a way for students to express their or others’ data". This would promote student learning as "visual literacy has a unique and positive role  in the development of creative problem solving and innovative thinking" (Younie et al, 2015). For this reason Infographics are an important competency for students of the 21st Century to acquire. They provide visual explanation, integrate word and pictures in a dynamic way, reveal hidden information, promote efficient and consistent understanding, and are universally understandable.

Engaging in the course material for this week was very helpful in developing my professional knowledge of Digital technologies; educating on how to implement this area of the curriculum in 21st century classrooms. Firstly, I learnt binary coding and other forms of modern number systems in technology toady. As a teacher I would encourage computational thinking and student learning in this area  using binary games that the Cisco resource provided. In addition to this, I would also teach binary by designing my own games that focus on the desired learning outcomes I want achieved. A game like binary bingo could be created, to encourage students to  convert between ordinary numbers and positional notation. In addition to this Digital design challenge, my research on Infographics was also of benefit to my professional development. Through this material i realised the importance visual literacy plays in promoting creative problem solving and innovative thinking. Students could design their own infographics using 'easely', a website providing several template structures and scaffolds for representing data in a visual appeasing manner. My experimentation with this site (see right), reinforced my understanding of visual literacy and its function in the modern day classroom. In summary, this week's course material helped me realise the nature of my responsibilities as a teacher to implement digital practices as a vehicle to effective learning.


Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA]. (2015). Technologies.
Easely. (2014). Create and share visual ideas. Retrieved from Easely:

Computer Systems. (2011). Cisco Binary Game. Retrieved from

Thinkersmith. (2013). Binary Baubles. Retrieved from Traveling Circuits:

CS Unplugged. (2014). Computer Science Without a Computer. Retrieved from Unplugged:

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Assessment Task 1A

Reflecting on my learning journey, it took some time for me to understand the implications for ‘design’ learning in the 21st century. When working through the stages of this design challenge, I was faced with several issues that needed to be addressed to encourage sustainable patterns of living, and contribute to preferred futures for students and the broader community. As this was the overarching focus of the design challenge, Sustainability, and other core concepts introduced throughout course material, were integral to the practical and pedagogical approach I used for this project. Following the design cycle process, I was able to implement various eco-design strategies in the manufacturing of my product to encourage sustainable practices in my Grade five class.  This cycle incorporated four main developmental phases of learning: Investigation, Ideation, Production, and Evaluation.

In the Investigation phase, it took me awhile to decide on what kind of design project to construct, as I had difficulty identifying an environmental issue that I wanted to address. The week two course material was useful in this respect. From these resources I also learnt that to implement the Investigation phase in my class, visual literacies like concept maps are very effective as they encourage students to research, gather and analyse information. To reinforce this, in my design challenge, students will be placed into pairs to investigate alternative power sources that are more eco-friendly. This is supported by the Australian Curriculum (2015) which states that students should “independently and collaboratively develop solutions to complex challenges". As the effectiveness of this pedagogical approach depends on the age of learners, I chose a design task based on solar cooking methods, as it would extend the learning of my grade five students in environmentally friendly energy sources and sustainable practice.

The Ideation phase presented many difficult challenges to the overall design of my product. Firstly, as seen my Wikipage, I had to plan out several alterations of my solar oven design; all of which needed to be based on the design specification and needs analysis research I conducted during the Investigation phase. This was challenging, as there were many constraints raised in these documents that needed to be cross-analysed in order to determine a final design. As seen on my Wiki page, size, cost, ease of construction, ease of access, and durability of designs were all variables involved in this decision-making process. To encourage decision-making and higher order thinking with my grade five class, the course material for this week emphasizes the importance of integrating digital technologies in pedagogical practice. As I explain in my week three blog, social networking tools are an effective way to encourage collaboration and critical thinking in student feedback processes. On this note, peer assessment also had many learning benefits to my own design planning, as it gave a fresh perspective on the design challenge and my approach to promoting sustainable practice. This can be seen in my Wiki page.

During the Production phase of the design cycle, numerous challenges were introduced, as the manufacturing constraints and risks identified in the Ideation phase came to life. For this reason, the risk assessment I conducted in my Wiki page was crucial. Honestly, I found this task difficult to complete, as I had no previous experience completing this form. In reflection, this emphasised my need to improve my professional development in this area. During the making stage of the solar ovens, students are also encouraged to refine these skills, as they are independently responsible for managing risks and constraints, their partner, materials and the opportunities their product has in promoting sustainable practice. This area of learning is strongly supported in the course learning material; providing several eco-design strategies that enhance the environmentally-friendly features of my product. In relation to my pedagogy, the readings also taught me the importance of ‘life cycle thinking’ and its contribution to sustainable practice.

To carry out the Evaluation phase of the design cycle, my peer assessor and I exchanged an evaluation of our marketed products in the form of a feedback table located on our Wikipage. I enjoyed this process, as it allowed me to use my newly acquired knowledge on design learning to critically analyse the manufacturing processes and eco-design strategies of a different project; thus determining its marketability. To encourage evaluation in my grade five class, students will be given the opportunity to trial and display their own solar ovens. The results revealed in this study would then be tested by students of various age groups using ‘feedback cards’ with questions like ‘how well are the snack food items cooked? How could the solar ovens be improved? This feedback will be used by students to evaluate the effectiveness of their product and consider improvements for a better future outcome. Relating this back to the week's course material, this stage in the design process will encourage futures thinking, as students make changes to bring about preferred futures. 

Reflecting on the evidence provided in my Wiki page and my Blog, it is apparent that I have engaged with course materials in an attempt to develop my professional learning in Design and Digital Technologies. This demonstrates an understanding of curriculum requirements and the role I have as an educator in proposing creative solutions that enhance sustainability. With this knowledge, I have developed appropriate practical and pedagogical approaches to teaching that will be beneficial in future design projects that I run in my classroom.

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA]. (2015). Technologies.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Week Five Post

Futures Thinking
Futures Thinking promotes the knowledge, skills and understanding that are needed in order to think more critically and creatively about the future. 
According to David W. Hicks (2015) Futures Education:
  • Enables students to understand the links between their own lives in the present and those of others in the past and future
  • Increases understanding of the social, political and cultural influences which shape people's perceptions of personal, local and global futures
  • Develops the skills, attitudes and values which encourage foresight and enable pupils to identify probable and preferable futures
  • Works towards achieving a more just and sustainable future in which the welfare of people and planet are both important.
To encourage preferred futures in my classroom, students will develop the skills necessary to anticipate the future, accept consequences, envision alternatives, make wise choices, and take responsible action. These skills will help students become active citizens of global change who understanding the need for foresight in this rapidly changing world and recognize the effects of their actions on the environment. This means identifying the impact of current community practices, like releasing carbon emissions into the air while driving etc. Essentially, these skills will then help students to make changes in their personal lives, uphold conversational practices and thus encourage preferred futures. 
Curriculum Links 
"Students need opportunities to consider the use and impact of technological solutions on equity, ethics, and personal and social values. In creating solutions, as well as responding to the designed world, students consider desirable sustainable patterns of living, and contribute to preferred futures for themselves and others"(ACARA, 2015).
Design Cycle Phase: Evaluation 
The evaluation phase refers to the judging, testing, reflecting, comparing of design projects. To encourage evaluation in my grade five class, students will be given the opportunity to trial and display their own solar ovens. The results revealed in this study would then be tested by students of various age groups using ‘feedback cards’ that responded to a series of questions like ‘how well are the snack food items cooked? How could the solar ovens be improved? This feedback will then be used by students to evaluate the effectiveness of their product.

Peer Assessment 
To carry out the Evaluation phase of the design cycle, my peer assessor and I exchanged an evaluation of our marketed products in the form of a feedback table .This process allowed me to use my newly acquired knowledge to critically analyse the manufacturing processes and eco-design strategies of a different project; thus determining its marketability. This consolidated my understanding of key concepts relating to sustainability and design learning.


Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA]. (2015). Technologies.     

Hicks, D. W. (2015, Jaurary ). A Futures Perspective. Retrieved from Teaching for a Better World: Learning for sustainability: 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Week Four Post

Sustainable Practice 
The week four course learning material is based around sustainable practice. In relation to our design challenge, this concept refers to the short and long term impacts of your own designed solution on livability, economic prosperity and environmental sustainability. A few of these positive solutions were provided in the week four Moodle readings and have been summarized below.

Life Cycle Thinking
In the video, This is your life, dialogue is provided that explains how Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) contributes to the developing sustainable features of a product. As stated in the video, "this process of scientific investigation explores the environmental impacts of a product" (Eco-Innovators, 2012). Additionally, "Life cycle analysis (LCA) can be used to identify the inputs to and outputs from a product or process, including all the steps in its production, transport, use and disposal; and then to calculate the overall environmental impact. Inputs may include, for example, the extraction, growth and processing of raw materials and consumption of energy, water and fuel. Outputs could be the consumer products, waste to landfill, heat and energy loss and particulate emissions" (Manufacturing Skills Australia2015, p. 1).

Eco design Strategies
- Designed for dis-assembly
- Design for longevity (durable)
- Design for de-materialization (using less materials without losing quality)

Cradle to Grave
- Products are disposed of after their use has expired
- Includes transport of materials and energy used during production, and resources during use
- Calculates energy used and emissions after disposal

Cradle to Cradle
- Products are reused in other products or processes instead of being disposed of
- This includes: reuse, recycling, recovery and re-manufacturing
- More sustainable features than 'Cradle to Grave' (MSA, 2015)

Sustainability usually makes us think about carbon footprints, greenhouse gases and ecosystems. This is the environmental aspect of sustainability. Two additional aspects are generally recognised as contributing to sustainability: economic factors and social factors. (MSA, 2015)

Environmental sustainability focuses on the impact of resource usage, hazardous substances, waste and emissions on the physical environment. These activities may have a direct benefit for a business by reducing costs.

Economic sustainability focuses on business efficiency, productivity and profit.

Social sustainability focuses on maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with employees, customers and the community. These activities often have benefits in terms of positive profile and customer and community support.

Curriculum Links 
Sustainability is an essential focus in the Australian curriculum; having an impact on all learning areas as a cross-curriculum priority. As stated in this section of the document, "The curriculum focuses on the knowledge, understanding and skills necessary to design for effective sustainability action" (ACARA, 2015). In our projects a crucial area of the criteria is how effectively our product encourages students and other members of the community to take action in creating more sustainable patterns of living. As the Australian Curriculum states, "Sustainable patterns of living meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Actions to improve sustainability are both individual and collective endeavors shared across local and global communities. They necessitate a renewed and balanced approach to the way humans interact with each other and the environment".

Design Cycle Phase: PRODUCTION
This week focuses on the 'Production' stage of the design cycle. In relation to the development of my project, this stage incorporates the creating, developing, managing and making of the solar oven products. This links to the Australian Curriculum (2015),  which states, "through undertaking technologies processes students develop systems, design and computational thinking; and organisational and project management skills" (ACARA, 2015). 

Project Management 
This skill is encouraged in the solar oven project, as students are actively involved in the management of people, constraints and opportunities. As stated in earlier posts, students are placed in pairs to research and brainstorm ideas to discover the most advantageous design specifications. This collaborative work will encourage students to develop skills and become aware of the rules relating to safe practices when working technologically. In addition to this, although resources for this product are provided by the school, students will be responsible for the materials and designs utilized in their pairs. In the development of this product, students are also required to manage the restrictions raised in this project. These may include the time, budget and dimension requirements associated to the challenge criteria. Lastly, students will be given access to a variety of resources of which they must research the opportunities this design challenge has to enhance the global community. This may include the development of sustainable components of the design.

How is the design Eco friendly?
The purpose of this design change was to manufacture a product that encouraged primary students and the broader community to us sustainable practices in everyday living. Through this design project, students are creating a solar oven to investigate a more environmentally friendly source of energy. This method of cooking will also protect the environment from dangerous carcinogenic emissions and in doing so will promote sustainability in the classroom.

Sustainability Product Features 
This design product is environmentally sustainable due to the materials used. They are all recyclable and very accessible as they are fairly common household items. In addition to this, the product is design for dematerialisation, meaning it doesn't use many materials but is still a quality product. Finally the design is powered by a completely Eco-friendly and renewable energy source, the sun.

Manufacturing Constraints 
In this design project, there are a few limitations. Firstly, to keep manufacturing costs to a minimum, sacrifices have been made to the quality of materials used. For instance, the ovens are constructed using cardboard pizza boxes. Due to this fact, the experiment will not work as efficiently and effectively had the experiment been conducted using quality pots made of stone or steel, for example. Additionally, the experiment would also be improved if reflector panels had been used as opposed to aluminium foil. Unfortunately these resources have only been excluded from the investigation so we don't exceed our budget. On the plus side, because the ovens are constructed from pizza boxes, no external heat will be released that could potentially harm students. This means the only safety limitations evident in this project are in the designing stages. For example students will be required to use scissors to construct their ovens.

The tools need to complete this project will include: pizza boxes, duct tape, glue, aluminium foil, scissors, black paint, paint brushes, cling wrap, thermometer, baking tray, wire. The following construction steps are provided as a guide for students to follow when they are creating their solar ovens.

1. On the lid of a pizza box, draw a square that is 5 cm from the sides of the box.
2. Use scissors to cut along the three sides of the square you just made.
3. Cut a piece of aluminium foil to line the bottom of the pizza box and glue it in place.
4. Cut another large piece of foil and glue it to the bottom of the lid flap.
5. Cut a piece of black construction paper  and tape it to the bottom of the pizza box.
6. Cut a large piece of cling wrap; taping it on the inside of the box lid.
7. Poke two small holes on the lid between the flap and the side of the lid and wedge skewers in the holes to keep the flap open.
8. Tape the thermometer at the bottom of the box, so i can just be seen through the plastic window.
9. Place the marshmallows in the base of the box, set the flap up and leave it in the sun for the food to start cooking.


Department of Education and Training. (2015). Product improvement and life cycle. Retrieved from Manufacturing Skills Australia:

Eco Invovators free e-learning resources (2012, June 17). 'This is Your Life Cycle' fun life cycle assessment & design animation. Retrieved from